We will talk about us and our work on this page.

We are the owners of the kennel — Irina and Nikolai Degtiar.

We are cynologists and we’ve been growing dogs for more than 25 years.

Breeder of kennel Jack Russell Terriers “Algrafs” Irina Degtiar – Judge RKF-FCI № 2077

We live in a very beautiful city named Vyborg which is located near the Gulf of Finland.
Picturesque areas and clean air of Karelia becomes unforgettable for everyone who have been here.

Our pets are not just dogs - they're our family.

The first dogs in our house were the Great Dane. Harmonic and stately animals.
Because of our beautiful Graffiti we took Jack Russell Terriers - in order to avoid dane's boredom!
And our life has completely changed!

Jack Russell Terriers have stolen our hearts!

This small brave dogs are full of devotion and love and it keeps us in a good mood all the time!

Time goes on, the Great Dane remains in our hearts, but the desire has come to fill the small corners of the soul with small, warm, absolutely incredible creatures.

It's a Chihuahua !!!!! Yes!

These are space dogs that fill the entire space around the owner!
Now Jack Russell Terriers and long-haired Chihuahuas live in our house.

Our breeding work is based on the standarts of breeds FCI.
We are taking part in the shows of different ranks every year.

Our dogs were the winners of great shows in Russia and Europe. We are doing groomer and show trainings for dogs from our kennel by ourselves. We pay attention to their health and physical form.

Our results are the best confirmation of it.

We take breeding professionaly and with love. We are choosing perfect matches according to their genetic lines and health.
Our puppies live not only in Russia but also in Norway, Sweden, Italy, Finland, Latvia, Portugal and Spain.

We are in a good relationships with breeders of our puppies and ready to help and consult any time. We are looking attentively at our graduators achivements and ready to consult about training of Jack Russell Terriers for show career. Join our friendly and cheerful family named "ALGRAFS".

Welcome to our family «ALGRAFS»

Irina and Nikolai.
+7-921-375-33-98, +7-921-375-33-97